Advisory & Consulting
Advisory and consulting services can help you improve your business with an added level of outside expertise. For example, if you’re concerned with increasing profitability, you need insights on how to go about it using the most effective methods. If you’re thinking of selling your business, you need to understand your options to determine which ones make the most sense for you.
Your business is unique. The advice and counsel you receive should be, too. With a wide array of options to set you up for success, you can get the exact roadmap you need to help navigate your continued and future success.
Mergers & Acquisitions
Business valuation & purchase price options
Coordination with attorneys, bankers and others
Financial, earnings quality, tax and reverse due diligence
Evaluation of entity structure
Financial modeling to assist in making critical business decisions
Negotiation assistance
Preparing your business for sale
Purchase price and equity-related allocations
Review of tax implications
Tax-efficient reorganization strategy
Transaction agreement analysis
Business Valuations
When a Business Valuation May be Appropriate
Investments: mergers and acquisitions, ESOP valuations, sale of a business, succession planning, goodwill valuation and quality of earnings determinations
Taxation issues: estate and gift tax compliance, capital gains tax issues, tax disputes with a government entity, stock compensation and non-qualified deferred compensation plans
Financial reporting: compliance with purchase price allocation requirements and intangible assets and goodwill impairment requirements
Litigation: partnership & shareholder disputes, determination of business damages or lost profits marital dissolution, bankruptcy court proceedings, intellectual property valuations and probate proceedings
Financial or Tax Due Deligence
Assess the strategic fit of transaction candidates
Evaluate optimal transaction timing
Guide you on how to keep leverage on your side during negotiations
Prepare and examine financial statements
Assess target earnings and cash flow
Analyze assets and liabilities
Identify reasonable “multiples” that will help you determine business valuation
Assist in developing an accurate owner adjustment schedule that reflects a full range of “add-backs” and best showcases financial performance
Review sales or purchase agreements
Transfer Pricing
Our strategic transfer pricing services include:
Strategic design and implementation of U.S., international, and U.S. State & Local transfer pricing strategies
Intangible property migration and cost sharing arrangements
Base Erosion Anti-Abuse Tax (BEAT)
Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GLTI)
Foreign Derived Intangible Income (FDII)
Post-reform international intangible asset/intellectual property tax planning